
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Resepi kombinasi Buah-buahan, Cereal & Daging

 for babies 8 months and olderfor babies 10 months +
Spicy Squash or Sweet Potatoes : tambahkan sedikit serbuk kayu manis dan/atau serbuk pala ke dalam puree labu air atau puree keledek.  
Green Beans and Potatoes : Pureed atau blend kentang & kacang buncis dan tambah sedikit buah pear  atau epal. 
Sweet Pea Stew : Campurkan kacang polong (peas) dan lobak merah bersama epal, bersa atau oat dan yogurt. kemudian blend/pureed.
Carrot Stew : Campurkan epal & lobak merah bersama-sama beras, oat & yogurt.
Sweet Potato Pie : Campurkan keledek, yogurt, cereal dan sedikit serbuk kayu manis & pureed.

 for babies 6 months +
Apple Cereal : Blend apple dengan oat atau  nestum beras.
Pumpkin Cereal : Blend labu dengan oat atau nestum beras.
 Banana-'Cado : Blend Avocado and pisang. Kalau nak lagi sedap, tambahkan nestum baby.
Apple-Pear Sauce : Blend Apple and Pear

Pumpkin Bananas : Blend labu dengan pisang.
Pumpkin Bananas Applesauce : Blend labu, pisang & apple.

***apple, labu, pear hendaklah di stim terlebih dahulu. (pisang & avocado tak perlu )

 for babies 8 months and olderfor babies 10 months +
Apple Pie : Campurkan nestum, yogurt dan apple, kemudian tambahkan sedikit serbuk kayu manis & kacau sehingga sebati.
Pumpkin Pie : Blend labu puree dengan cereal, yogurt dan tambahkan serbuk kayu manis atau seruk buah pala.
Blueberry (Yogurt) Medley : Campurkan Blueberry, Apple dan Pear kemudian blend. Tambah yogurt untuk lebih yummy. 

for babies 8 months and olderfor babies 10 months +
**Tambah nasi, mee atau barli untuk hidangan yang sebenar.

1- Blend ayam atau daging dengan apple & labu air.

2 - Blend ayam atau daging dengan keledek dan/atau apple.

3- Blend ayam atau daging dengan keledek & lobak merah.

4- Blend ayam atau daging dengan apple dan/atau lobak merah.

5- Blend ayam atau daging dengan labu atau labu air.

1- Blend tofu, apple dan labu air. so yummy

2- Blend tofu, avocado dan pears.

3- Blend tofu, blueberries dan pisang.

***** Jangan sesekali menambah garam atau gula ke dalam makanan baby.Rempah seperti serbuk kayu manis, serbuk bawang putih,papper boleh ditambahkan bila baby berusia 7bulan ke atas. *****

Teething Biskut baby tanpa telur

1 cup tepung gandum
1 cup baby cereal/nestum
1 cup fruit juice (epal, pisang, lobak merah)


Campurkan semua bahan2 diatas sehingga sebati.
Kemudian uli dan bentukkan mengikut kesukaan anda.
Bakar selama 20-30 min @ 350 deg. F.
 ***  Doh akan kelihatan melekit dan sukar untuk di bentuk. Tambahkan tepung dan/atau cereal jika perlu

Teething Biskut Baby dengan Oat

1 c quick oats
1/4 t cinnamon

1/4 t nutmeg
1 t baking powder
1 c (~2) overripe bananas, mashed
1 t vanilla extract
3 T oil of choice

Campurkan kesemua bahan-bahan kering - asingkan
Campurkan kesemua bahan-bahan basah - asingkan
Campurkan bahan basah ke dalam bahan kering
Ambil satu sudu makan ke atas dulang pembakar dan bentukkan.
Bakar selama 12-15 min pada suhu 350 C

Selamat Mencuba!!

Baby's Yummy Fish Dinner

Baby's Yummy Fish Dinner

1 filet of any white fish such as cod, haddock etc. (unbreaded and cooked)
1/8 c or whole milk
1 tbsp melted butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 cup mashed peas
1/8 c mashed carrots
1/8 c mashed potatoes

Combine all ingredients and blend/puree until creamy - Serve warm

Brown Rice Chicken & Peach Delight

1/2 c cooked boneless chicken - chopped
1/4 c cooked brown rice
1 ripe peach
1 tb peach juice (white grape or apple juice may be used or juice may be left out)
1 tb milk and 2 ts wheat germ

Mix all ingredients together, transfer to blender/food processor
and puree or chop to make textured for older babies

Baby Beef Stew

1/2 cup cubed cooked beef
1 peeled potato
¼ cup shelled fresh or frozen peas
1 peeled carrot
1 stalk of celery
1/4 cup uncooked macaroni
4 cups of water

Wash vegetables thoroughly and chop very fine.
Simmer the veggies for 20 minutes or until softened
Add the macaroni and cook for 10 minutes longer or until very soft.
Drain but save the water.
Mash or puree the mix until it is of a consistency adequate for baby

Beef or Veal Dinner

Beef or Veal Dinner

1 lb beef or veal, tender and lean, cut in 1" pieces
1 celery stick, chopped
3 carrots peeled and diced
2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut in 1/4
1 Tbsp (15 ml) minced onion

Put the meat in about 1 cup (250 ml) of water in a saucepan and simmer for 45 minutes.
Add celery, carrots, potato and onion.
Cook for 35 minutes or until veggies are tender.
Take off heat and let cool a few minutes. Discard vegetables or add to puree.
Put about 3/4 cup of the meat in the blender with 1/3 cup of the cooking water. Puree until smooth.
Add the reserved veggies. Repeat with the remainder of the meat

Apples & Chicken

Apples & Chicken

1/3 cup chopped & cooked boneless chicken*
1/4 cup cooked apple (no skin or seeds), very soft
Puree chicken with cooked apple in a food processor or blender until desired consistency for baby is achieved.

Salmon receipe for my lil baby =)

1 salmon steak
1/2 lb white potatoes
1 small sweet potato
handful of broccoli florets
1 tbsp unsalted butter
2 tbsp milk (use breast milk, formula or whole milk)
2 oz (1/2 cup) grated Cheddar cheese
Peel the white potatoes and sweet potato and cut into dice.
Steam the potatoes and broccoli until tender
combine the potatoes in a saucepan, just cover with water, simmer for 10 minutes, then add the broccoli and continue to simmer until all the vegetables are tender.
Whilst the veggies are cooking, cook the salmon. We prefer to do this by dotting it with a little butter, wrapping it in foil and baking it in an oven pre-heated to 375 deg F (180 deg C) for 10-15 mins. However, you can also poach the salmon in water or milk, or cook it under the grill (broiler) for approximately 3 to 5 mins each side, until cooked through.
NOTE: Please check the fish for bones both before and after cooking. We like to leave the skin on the salmon as it helps the fish retain those nutritious oils, but you can remove it if you wish!
Drain the vegetables (if necessary) and combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Mash thoroughly with the butter, cheese and milk and use the juices leftover from cooking the fish to thin (if needed).
Serve to your little Einstein!