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Siapa saya?

My photo
Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
I am malay with chinese husband, mommy for my precious darling Dhiya Alexander , princess Daisy Amelia and Dahlia Arianna.
“Geniuses are just people who had good mothers.”
― Richard Buckminster Fuller


Monday, October 21, 2013

Jom layan Melty Chocolate Cheesy yg sungguh yummy

Ni buat smlm ptg, gara2 x puas mkn rainbow cheese cake,  I buat nih,
Perrrrgghhhhhhh sedap gilerrr
Ingat nk buat dlm small cup, tp mcm malas dan x punya masa,  si meimei dok teman mommy bt iat dapur,
So pakai le mangkuk pyrex yg x 4 segi tp bulat ( masuk dlm wishlist pyrex 4 segi pas ni hahaha)
Okey per, bt mkn sendiri, bkn jualan.

Ni picture masa tgh chill, nanti keratan rentas yg mengiurkan akan di tayang sebentar lg hahahaha

Sila lupe kan diet dulu :p

Friday, October 18, 2013

Rainbow strawberry cheesecake

This recipe yields a 9" round cake

180g digestive biscuits

80g melted butter

500g cream cheese (room temperature)

150g castor sugar

200g water

4 tbsp gelatin

500g strawberry yoghurt

Wilton gel food colouring 

I used violet, teal, leaf green, lemon yellow, orange and pink

4 strawberries

1 tbsp apricot jam

1 tbsp hot water


Crush the digestive biscuits till it is fine and sandy.

Add the melted butter. Mix well.

Pour into baking tin/tin with removable base/cake ring and compact with the back of a spoon/ladle/flat cup.

Once compact, pop it into the freezer for 30 minutes while the cream cheese mixture is being prepared. 

To the water, add the gelatin and stir well to combine. Pop it into the microwave oven and warm it up on medium heat for 2 minutes. Alternatively, you may double boil it till the gelatin is all dissolved. 

To the sugar, add the softened room temperature cream cheese. 

Mix well on low speed till creamy.

Stir the gelatin mixture and allow it to cool completely. 

Pour gelatin mixture into cream cheese and mix on slow speed till well combined. 

Add in the yoghurt. Mix on low speed till well combined. 

You should get something like this. Avoid mixing on high speed as it'd incorporate many bubbles into the mixture. That's something we wouldn't want. 

Weigh and portion out the batter into 6 bowls. 

Add in the food colouring and mix well. Generally, I dipped a toothpick into the colour pot and dipped it into my mixture. If it is not to my liking, I added more of the food colouring. Do use bowls with spouts as I find that it gives one better control of the mixture that gets poured in. 

Like this! Or pour it from a measuring cup or something. 

Remove base from freezer. Pour in the first layer of cream cheese mixture. Allow it to spread out gently. 

Into the middle of the first layer, pour in the second colour from a short height of 15cm and allow it to spread. 

Repeat with other layers. 

Pop the cake into the freezer to chill for 1h 30 mins. Alternatively, you may leave it to set in the fridge for 4 - 5 hours or overnight. 

Remove the cake by running the back of a paring knife along the insides of the cake ring/baking tin. If you are using a cake ring, free the cake ring gently. If you are using a cake tin with removable base, remove the cake by setting the tin on a higher height (example: milo tin) and pull the 'walls' downwards. 

No bake oreo cheesecake

This recipe yields a 7" cake

250g plain yoghurt

250gcream cheese

2 1/2 tbsp gelatin powder


75gcastor sugar

200g oreo cookies (excluding cream)

80g unsalted butter

40g oreo cookies (excluding cream)

20ml whipped cream (I used non-dairy ones)

8 slices mini oreo


This is the Oreo I chose to use. This pack is perfect for this recipe with no wastage (except for the cream).

Remove the cream from all the cookies. Weigh out 200g of it and have it in a plastic bag or ziplock bag. 

Crush it till it's small and crumbly. I used the back of my mooncake mould! 

Melt the butter over a double boiler or in the microwave oven on medium high heat for a minute or till melted. Allow it to cool before pouring it into the bag of biscuits.

Shake the bag to mix the butter and biscuits. You should get something like wet sand. For this cake, you may choose to use either a baking tin with removable base or a cake ring. For this cake today, I used a cake ring. Springform pans are okay but I just don't like them. I feel that the first two choices creates a cleaner cake. 

Pour mixture into cake ring.

Using the back of a spoon or big spoon (easier to work with), smooth out the mixture and compress it as best as you can, ensuring that the sides are well compressed. Pop into the freezer to set while you prepare the cream cheese component.

In a microwavable bowl, have the water and gelatin mixed together. Microwave on medium-high heat for a minute or till mixture is all dissolved. Allow to cool. You may chose to do this over a double boiler too.

This is the cream cheese I used today. 

In a mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese and the sugar. Whisk well on low speed till mixture is creamy. 

Add in the gelatin mixture. Whisk well on low speed till well combined.

You should get something like this.

This is the yoghurt that I used.

Add the 2 packets of plain yoghurt into the mixing bowl. Mix well on low speed till well combined.

Break up the remaining 40g of Oreo cookies into smaller pieces and put them into the bowl. 

Stir to mix well. Deliberately crush some of the cookies into smaller pieces in the mixing bowl so as to flavour the mixture even more. A spatula works for this.  

Pour mixture into cake ring. Smooth the top as much as you can with the spatula.

Decorate with the small Oreo cookies. I pushed them 1/3 way into the mixture. Place cake in freezer for 1.5 - 2 hours to firm up. If you poke a toothpick into the middle of the cake and it is clean and not moist, it is ready. Bring cake down to chiller once cake is set.

Whip up the fresh cream till stiff peaks are formed.

Pipe the fresh cream onto the cake. I used Wilton tip 32. To remove cake, run a small paring knife gently along the sides of the cake. The cake ring should then slide easily upwards to reveal a beautiful cake.

Enjoy this beautiful treat! (:Selamat hari raya haji semua.
Sabtu pg kami blk phg sambut birthday atok, mommy order carrot cheese cake (tapi lari dr my expectations huhu) kak umi lupe nk tulis "happy birthday atok". Plan asal nk blk kl isnin ptg, tp since meimei kurang sihat,  kami blk ahad ptg,  kunun2 isnin nk g jpj tp org ramai giler, koko g sekolah mcm biase, daddy stay kt rmh sbb dh amik AL (tp still working from home huhu). So ni la project mommy,  cake yg dok idam2 

Ini menu raya kami, semangat raya umh kami hahaha

Oreo cheesecake
Lemang 1 btg (beli)
Rendang (beli)
Nasi impit
Lekor ball

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gadget nursing mom like me

Eh ilang apo den type sblm ni?? Adeiiii
Sebenornye td dh type 2 perenggan dh, tp pasai x save draff, daddy sms to turn on Skype trus ilang
Nk citer pasai shopping d kala hati gundah smlm, gadgets nursing and baby wearing mom like me, terpecah la duit tabung ku huhuhu
Ship dr eutopia , join gb kak melor la as usual,  tp blm dt lg, br jew order. Tgk cam best pasai mommy brjew komplain kt daddy, meimei dok tarik, gigit rantai mommy ni, ksng putus daddy kne ganti hok bsr lg hahaha
Regenye mahal jugakmla rm82.13 sblm ade discount, after discount 20% only rm75 trmasuk pos ke msia. Best kan..beli ramai2 byk la discount,  postage boleh sharing.
Ape yg special pasai necklace ni is, it made from wood, mommy pilih juniper wood , rainbow colour. Benang kait tu menyaluti kayu td, its safe for baby for teething,  playing while breastfeeding or dlm ssc. Nah..ternaik la, dr dok tarik dan gigit rantai or rambut mommy kannn

Demam beralih bulan huhu

Last entry mommy dok citer koko yg br sihat dr demam, elok ja pastu meimei pulak demam ngam2 hari dia turn 7 month huhuhu
2nd pneumococcal jab terpaksa di tangguhkan rasanya nxt Monday kot br g jab and monthly check up.
Alhamdulillah wonder of breast milk,  mommy cuti memasak 2 hari, cuti cd 1 hari (semalam) atas arahan big bos yg suh focus kt meimei yg nk berkepit aje dgn mommy,  tdo  nk atas ribaan dan pelukan mommy sajok, mmg ape pun x boleh, msk buai taknak letak pun xnak, nangis sampai sexy suara tu huhu
Ni dah sihat, br blh tdo dlm buai, br mommy nk back to normal routine.  Syukur, kalau she still fever, daddy said x blh blk kg nenek for raya huaarhhhh sedih lor,
Masa anak2 x sihat ni, hubby sgt2 prihatin, touching you...
Dia pun x lena tdo, walaupun mommy kata g la tdo bilik asing, tp asal bb nangis dia dtg tgk,
Sink penuh sekapal tu, hubby tlg cuci, pg2 sblm keje dia cucikan
Yg terkejut is, kul 6am dia p keje,  punch in, kul 8am dh ade kt rmh bawakn sarapan, antar koko go yo school,  tapaukn lunch, pastu go to work again, kome ingat dekat ke pj kajang ni?
Pastu mommy terbaca sms daddy (terbaca la konon2 nye hahaha) daddy asking housing agent house at kelana jaya, pj n damansara area yg most house min price 5k yg bertarikh 8 oct, appointment today 3pm. I baca dan diam sajok, hubby x ckp pape mungkin dia nk surprise or just survey kan...
Kesian jauh opis dgn rmh ni, daddy kata most likely kami will stay kl sampai pencen, dlm 20thn lg must do something,  dia x bley thn g keje 545am hari2
Pray daddy dt good house with good location and affordable prices,  amin.

Monday, October 7, 2013

My precious child

7 Oct --> koko genap 3 thn 3 bulan,  Alhamdulillah just recover from fever, makan antibiotic br kebah demamnya, moral,  home treatment boleh jugak diamalkan tp kalau berlanjutan kene jugak bawa jumpa doctor ya. Luckily not denggi kalau x susah hati kami nk berumah di kpj. Syukur padamu ya allah anak hamba dh sembuh, thanks to daddy jugak yg sanggup amik 2.5 days EL utk jaga anak kesayangan dia. He knew I cannot cope jaga sticky meimei and sicknson alone huhu
Hari ni dh je sekolah after 2 hari mc. Walaupun notty sumtims (tipu la kalau ckp x notty) mommy daddy tetap syg. Time demam, ckp jew nk mkn apa, nk toys ape sume daddy belikan hihihi untung koko punya daddy yg superb come from heaven, mcm santa clause pun yer :p

8 Oct --> esok pulak meimei turn 7 month yeay, membesar bagai johan anak mommy ni. Cepat sgt mase berlalu, dh pandai duduk sendiri, kalau mkn di meja, she sat in hign chair,  pantang letak kt tilam, mesti terus flip and sit. Pastu suka2 baring ke blkg, kene la mommy standby bantal lebau kt blkg tu
Gigi pun dh tumbuh 3 batang,  2 bwh 1 atas, tp mommy x terbeli lg berus gigi,  mommy nk beli tooth tissue kt MC tp habis stock, ala...sian anak mommy. Setakat ni mommy bg mkn 2 x sehari sajok iaitu jam 1030am dan ptg jam 5pm, pasai x mo obest nanti, plus makan puree buah dan sayur sajok occasionally mkn bubur beras merah. Ni masuk 7 bulan, bertambah lg mknan yg blh mkn yeay
Mommy rajin beli avocado,  tambah kt sini ada jual Africa avocado 6 biji rm10, seminggu 6 biji mak beli u, dgn mak pun makan hihihi
Esok bawa meimei for monthly check up, kita tgk berapa berat dia ni, daddy mengeluh bila tlg mandikn meimei katanya mcm mana u carry her, she so heavy huhuhu
Nahhhh u baru tau ke, bcoz of love I x rasa pun, so pls raise my allowance hihihi

InsyaAllah daddy said will consider coz my car dh habis byr, rabu ni g collect geran besttttt
Kurang sikit beban daddy, kalau meimei x czer serius mommy nk buat adik lg.
Pasai I think further,  I wish b4 koko masuk darjah 1, I dh nk stop pregnant,  I nk focus pembelajaran anak2, I x mo busy dgn baby kecik sampai x mampu guide dia. Bkn x harap daddy tp he is too tired, working dh la jauh. Tu yg I plan nk capai 4 anak by year 2017. Lg 4 thn, so 4 thn 2 baby x mustahil kn :)

Ya Allah kau permudah kan lah amin

Last mommy shopping CD

Mommy janji,  kali ni betul2 janji dh xmo lg shopping CD
(Pasai pasni nk simpan duit shopping DC Pulop hahahaha)

Ni 5 keping CD AUTUMNZ yg mommy beli last week, konon2 nk sorok dr daddy,  tp kebetulan daddy amik EL 2 hari jaga koko demam,  mase tu la CD sampai, yg amik dr taqbin pun daddy, siap ckp
"Mommy,  ada parcel for u kt dpn"

Dlm hati, omg mesti kene bebel
Terus mommy amik dan simpan dlm bilik jahit

Ptg tu baru buka nk buat prewash (setakat smlm br 2 x buat prewash)

Semalam br daddy berbunyi
"Why u buy again those CD?"  Dlm hati, aik....tau pulak daddy mommy beli lg cd, ingatkn x tanye huhu
Mommy ckp la, ni last yg betul2 and tunjuk 2 plain QQ CD yg pul nya dh tear out bakal mommy buang.
Daddy diam ajew

Dah jgn byk komen, janji akan mommy tunaikan, sieh sieh daddy
Alhamdulillah meimei mmg selesa berCD and fully Cd (ada 1 pek huggies L size pampers tu dh terbuka br guna 1, x tau nk buat ape, nk let go sayang huhu)
Sekarang train meimei berpotty,  mulakan dgn buang air besor yg lebih mudah control dari buang air kecik. Dh lulus yg bsr br kita train yg kecik. Tengok gaya mcm mommy leh set by 2thn free Cd kott
InsyaAllah,  mommy bukan riak utk buat perkongsian ini, tp sekadar berkongsi untu panduan ibu2 lain.

Ade org kita share gambar kita bahagia dgn anak2,  suami , depa kata kita riak
Ishh kalau ade masalah hati tu, apa org buat ade jew x kene kan, tunggu jew la mommy blah dr dunia
Virtual back to real life,  real friends
Meluat lah , poyo ,bley??

DIY alas kerusi rotan princess

Ni last week punya project, dah lama berhajat nk buat, kunun2 nk cr kain yg come tp rasa budget shopping kain agak constraint,  pakai aje balance kain yg ade. Ok la, mommy buat ala ala quilt kt situ pastu mommy ikut shape cow and sheep tu huhuhu
Pastu mommy realised patut la harga quilt set tu agak mahal pasai pa, bkn senang nk follow trace drawing tu, or mommy xde skill ke x tahu, tp mommy guna paling slow punya speed utk ikut shape yg small tu..ha, jenuh mommy ajor kura2 berjalan, tp puas hati jd 3D alas kerosi meimei tu

Ada kwn hubby yg have same chair like this suh buatkn utk dia, tp sbb mommy punya masa yg limited, daddy kata xyah la... lg pun xde kain yg design come nk buat utk dia, sorry ar dear huhu

Sushi king member contest

Alhamdulillah mommy berjaya pujuk daddy bawa kami makan sushi semasa rm3 bonanza berlangsung pd hari ke 2, mana lagi sushi king metro point kajang la tempat kami. Daddy punya la jimat,  dia mkn kenyang2 kt rmh, pastu he only let me and my son mkn. Sushi king is not his favourite,  but asal jepun is ky son favourite,  and me too hahaha
Nak tau parahnye my son, asal dtg metro point,  mesti ajak masuk sushi hahahahaha I loike koko ♡♥♡♥

So, kebetulan mommy nampak sushi buat member contest open till 10 October,  to submit ur best photo with new sushi member card 2014 punya kad, so masa tgh mkn2 tu, kami snap la photo
Si hantu2 sushi berpossing, soon meimei oso will join the club,  me and koko aje mkn 10 pinggan, tu pun daddy budget huhuuu
Neway mmg kenyang and best sbb x perlu beratur lama, sbb kami dtg awalm mase tgh mkn, q pun dh pjg hahahaha

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sweet peas and apple puree

Sweet peas ni susah sikit nk bg fine and very smooth bila pureed pasai dia ada urat halys (serat) tp uts good 1st vege to intro to young bb, jgn adyik bg buah sajok, vegi pun kene bg.
Dlm bab intro solid ni, kene bg 4 kelas mknan iaitu

Grain : red rice (preferred), white rice, oat,  barley
Fruits : buahan ikut kesesuian umur
Vege : ikut kesesuian umur
Souce of protein :  ni lewat la sikit intro mcm ikan, ayam, daging, cheese ect

Ok gtg my dotter dh bgn , kira blogging lg nxt week :)

Sweet Potato and apple puree

Very2 nice and delicious puree selain pear and avocado puree
A must try, sedap meimei love it

Activities last weekend

Happy Sunday to all.
Dah almost seminggu mood blogging ke laut, byk yg nk di share kn tp malas sgt nk kongsi di sini, kesihatan mommy yg kurang sihat sikit plus koko demam oulak start mlm 1 oct lepas we ol mkn sushi sampai hari ni br kebah.demam mlm ajew, memula try home treatment tp bila dh 4 hari,  we bring to kpj seek specialist,  doc said mebi suspect denggi,  tp biase denggi kne tgu 5 tob6 days br positive,  so katanya kalau weekend still demam, Monday come again for blood test.
So kami pun kalau boleh mk avoid admit ni, last koko admit hospital when mommy just get pregnant.
So bila blk, kami bg la minum air byk2, so far minum air, mkn tu ok lg, still active bermain cuma susu dh 2 hari x mo minum huhu, doc kata tonsils bengkak dlm tekak tu.
So sebab tu, this weekend kami memerap sajokm tgk la kot today daddy nk bawa koko ke metro point, kajang.  Mommy just find out yg ada indoor playground br buka kt situ, sblh bowling,  so as kajangrian we shd check it out hahaha

Okey, last weekend mmg enjoyed,  as sabtu ptg kami picnic aka swimming at club house country club kajang,  and sunday morning bawa koko ber basikal di taman botanical gardens,  putrajaya sambil mkn bekfast kt situ. Best