Sejak masuk 34 weeks pregnant ni, mommy dah mula rasa kurang selesa bila tidur. Tapi ia tidak lah seteruk macam masa pregnant kan Daisy. Kalau sebelum ni mommy boleh tidur ikut posisi mana yang mommy suka dan selesa. Tapi la ni sukar pulak nak tidur especially bila perut mula membesar.
Sebelum ni mommy seriously tak tahu posisi terbaik ketika tidur bagi ibu mengandung. Bagi mommy asal selesa boleh tidur, bedal saja labu.
Tapi lepas bersalinkan koko, mommy tahu yang posisi tidur terlentang (iaitu tidur dengan beralaskan tulang belakang tak bagus) sebab masa dalam labour room menunggu bukaan untuk bersalinkan Dhiya, baby heart beat dalam tu menurun, so nurse suh baring mengiring ke kiri. Baru la baby heartbeat back to normal, tapi tidak pulak diterangkan kenapa.
Recently mommy terbaca di yang menjelaskan kenapa posisi tidur mengiring ke kanan atau terlentang tidak bagus terutamanya di trimester ketiga.
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Posisi tidur yang betul ketika hamil adalah mengiring ke kiri |
Sleeping On Your Back During Pregnancy
You don’t really need to worry about your sleeping position at all during your first trimester. Once you’re into the second trimester though, you’ll need to avoid sleeping on your back. When you lie on your back, your uterus puts pressure on the vein that returns blood to your heart. If you lie in this position for long periods, this could restrict the amount of blood and nutrients that reach your placenta and baby. It could also leave you feeling dizzy and nauseous.
Sleeping On Your Right Hand Side During Pregnancy
Lying on your right hand side is much better than sleeping on your front or back during the later stages of pregnancy, but is still not as good as sleeping on your left. This is because, sleeping on your right hand side can puts pressure on your liver which most Doctors would prefer you to avoid.
Sleeping On Your Left Hand Side During Pregnancy
Doctors and midwives recommend sleeping on your left hand side. This position prevents the heavy uterus putting pressure on your liver, and continues to allow the baby to receive the right amount of nutrients and oxygen through the placenta. In fact, not only does this position not restrict blood flow, it actually improves circulation which means your body won’t have to work as hard to ensure you have optimal blood flow for you and your baby.
A study in Auckland, New Zealand, found that sleeping on the left hand side on the last night of pregnancy, halved the risk of stillbirth. Since you don’t usually know when your last night of pregnancy will be, it’s best to sleep on your left hand side during the later stages of pregnancy, just in case.
Don’t worry if you do as you’re told, and make sure you fall asleep on your left hand side, only to wake up on your right. There’s nothing you can do to stop yourself turning over in your sleep (although for lots of you, the giant bump might help out with that!) so don’t get upset or worry about it. As long as you spend most of the night on your left, you should be ok, so each time you wake up on your right, simply (or with the help of your partner and some kind of pulley system) turn back onto your left before you go back to sleep.
Diharap perkongsian ini membantu para ibu yang mengandung dan bakal hamil.
Pssst : jangan lupa mengambil set hamil atau set penyusuan Shaklee. Pm or wassapp 0192822328 Annie Tay tau.
We Love, We Care & We Share
Take care & comb your hair,
From Mommy Annie Tay with L.O.V.E
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