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My photo
Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
I am malay with chinese husband, mommy for my precious darling Dhiya Alexander , princess Daisy Amelia and Dahlia Arianna.
“Geniuses are just people who had good mothers.”
― Richard Buckminster Fuller


Friday, July 29, 2011

CarrotCado puree with Red Rice

 Good Morning & Happy Wonderfull Friday
hehe pic my cayank abbie yang tengah feeling mamam puree

Puree apa malam tadi??

CarrotCado puree with Red Rice
1 ice cube frozen avocado
1 ice cube frozen carrot
3oz red rice powder

Steam frozen avocado & carrot
Mix with red rice powder & add water

sebab guna red rice kaler gelap sket, kalau add on wheat or oat mesti tantek kaler dia
pape pun licin!! sampai x cukup hehe

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mengatasi masalah keputihan

Tips ni untuk mommies ya bukan babies hahaha

Setiap wanita pasti mengalami masalah keputihan samada secara normal or abnormal
normal boleh dikategorikan bila ianya berupa cecair  or ledir yang jernih & tidak gatal
Abnormal bila ia mula menunjukkan tanda-tanda kegatalan, bau yang tidak selesa , berketul & mula bewarna kuning atau hijau bergantung kepada bakteria /virus yang menjangkiti bahagian sulit anda
Selain dari mendapatkan perawatan doktor (especially yang dah sampai tahap abnormal)
Jom kita cuba petua kampung atau jamu-jamu yang terdapat di pasaran.
Antara petua yang saya tergoogle :

Daun Pegaga:
Ambil beberapa helai daun pegaga, rebus bersama sedikit garam, tapis & minum airnya
Amalkan setiap pagi & malam

Daun Sirih:
Ambil beberapa helai daun sirih, rendam & ramas di dalam air panas
dan cuci bahagian sulit dengan air ramasan daun sireh tersebut
Amalkan setiap hari

Amalkan memakan kunyit hidup sebagai ulaman
InsyaAllah dapat menghindarkan dari jangkitan & bau

Selain itu:
- Pakai seluar dalam cotton yang longgar
- Pakai pantyliner
- Sentiasa keringkan dengan tisu selepas membuang air kecil/besar
- Mencuci dengan air yang lalu (bukan air bertakung) dari arah dpn ke belakang
-Elakkan memakan telur & seafood
- Gunakan pembersih wanita tanpa pewangi & bukan antiseptik
selamat mencuba!

Baby Green & rabbit poo poo (Part 2)

Hehe siap ada part 2 untuk cover topic baby green & rabbit poo poo nie
Ini adalah follow-up dari rumah baby sitter yang saya katakan tempohhari.
Sekarang Abbie poo poo tidak lagi hijau atau seperti tahi kambing or rabbit
Mommy amalkan makan prune setiap hari
Memandangkan pada hari weekday mommy hanya menyediakan di sebelah malam (supper)
So menu supper malam tadi (jam 730mlm)
Apple & Prune puree with wheat
hahaha no more photo...semalam demam
takde mase nk melekat dengan enpown
dan tips kedua
memandangkan abbie dah almost sebulan minum susu Gain Plus (Susu untuk baby 1tahun ke atas)
susu nie perasa Vanila
Green poo poo means too much lactose (the natural sugar found in milk).
So mommy cairkan susunya
Alhamdulillah Abbie poo poo normal ;)
So mommies yang mengalami masalah yang sama, jom try & kongsi pengalaman anda ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby Green & rabbit poo poo

Sebelum mommy proceed dengan topic nie..mommy dah membebel sekejap..huhu
Entah kenapa FB kat opis nie tetiba tak leh bukak...server down katenye tapi on9 yahoo ect boleh pulak
takkan dah kene block????? huhu
Habis la basi masakan mommy kat dalam Cafe World tu huhu
And actually mommy nak letak pic Abbie yang tengah berpotty training tapi FB tak leh bukak lah

Jom mommy proceed dengan topic kita baby green poo poo & Rabbit poo poo
Kenapa mommy choose topic nie untuk sembang Isnin yang malas ni??
Malas + mommy tak sihat = Rase nk pengsan!!

Sebab Abbie sendiri pun lately poo poo nye green colour, Punca nya bila kami mula tukar susu dari Enfalac to Dumex ...pastu kami tukar ke EnfaPro and now IQ Gain Plus
Kenapa kami tukar susu?
Mase tecik-tecik bila poo poo hijau baby sitter kata sebab baby terkejut or takut
So kami ada beli pearl powder dari kedai sieh sieh
dah ok
So bila dah besar nie, baby sitter kata sebab susu tak bagus (Dumex)
Ok lah kami tukar semula ke EnfaPro...same gaks
Pastu rasanya Gain Plus lagi bagus
So kami tukar to Gain Plus
Tapi lately baby poo poo bukan sahaja hijau...malah dah macam taik kambing or taik arnab
ketul-ketul kecil
(Itu tanda baby mengalami constipation)
Memula mommy ok je lah...sebab Abbie tiap-tiap hari never fail to poo poo
Sometimes 1 hari 2 kali dia poo
But lately mommy jadi worried & baby sitter pulak dok berleteq
kata mommy bagi baby makan biskut, panas....tak bagus
Jangan bagi biskut, bagi baby minum fresh orange juice katanya baru poo poo cantik
haiiii hari tu salah kan susu, sekarang salahkan mommy bagi biskut pulak
layan kan je la...
My baby sitter memang jenis concern & penuh dengan nasihat
al-maklum makcik tue
So last weekend mommy pun google sana sini
and mommy mula try dengan mencairkan susu Abbie
Sebab apa yang mommy baca, susu pun memainkan peranan..
Memang la dia tulis bancuh ikut sukatan, tapi since Abbie poo poo tak cantik & susu Gain Plus pun bagus untuk baby kerana mengandungi DHA ect
So mommy bancuh cair sikit, kurangkan 1 scoop susu
Dan...mommy feed abbie with prune!
Breakfast abbie on sunday mommy bagi apple prune puree with wheat
Lunch brown rice with potato, manggo,prune, fish & winter melon.
Ha...Abbie poo poo cantik...
dah tak ketul2 macam taik kambing lagi
Dan tak lagi kaler hijau!!
Malah poo poo nya sama pulak dengan apa yang dia matan
Huh...petang nie mommy nak tanye baby sitter macam mana poo poo abbie hari nie
Ala...kalau kita yang dewasa nie pun tak mo ke toilet, memang disuruh matan prune kan, so
Mulai hari nie, mommy akan put prune in abbie porridge..
Sebelum nie ada yang kata letak dates..but bagi mommy...
dates tak nampak begitu berkesan...lah (untuk Abbie la)
Doa mommy semoga Abbie takde lagi sembelit with green & rabbit poo poo.

Finally.....mommy found Red Rice!!

Hehehe dari sembang-sembang di Solid Food Group, mommy get info to buy Red Rice from Giant Hypermarket
So semalam mommy pun ajak la daddy gi Giant Sg. Chua...and......
We found this!!
Only RM7.++ per kg
Belom sempat cuba masak lagi...
Jom...sesape yang nk try feed your baby dengan beras merah, selain brown rice & white rice
Jom cari ini beras...mommy sendiri pun TERINGIN nak matan ;P

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kuali pancake

Baru pagi tadi komplain pasal takde kuali pancake menyebabkan saiz pancake ku tidak mengikut std piawaian SIRIM
hahaha tadi pas dinner kami jalan-jalan Pakson kat Metro Kajang nih...
Ha....daddy shop his working pant, mommy pun rembat la kuali pancake aka kuali telur mata kebo nie
Harganya takde la mahal punn RM15.90
Kemarin tengok kat Tesco RM35.90
Tapi mebi tu brand lain....mahal sangat
Ni kira reasonable price jugak lah kan ;P

 Tecik je kuali ni, mmg muat2 utk saiz telur mate kebo....
wah semangat tol mommy pas ni nk berpancake untuk kami sekeluarga
Healthy breakfast....sebab kuali non-stick macam nie, tak letak minyak pun tak melekat....
Shopping punya shopping sampai Abbie pun isap jarinya...
Nak nenen la tu....CD nya pun dh wet...sib bawak spare pampers
Hahaha...Abbie nie weekend je berCD, working days & nite kami still guna pampers ;P

Ini lah cara Abbie isap jari...isap jari kiri, tangan kanan cover molot tu...malu kunun-kunun nye

Lunch: Brown rice porridge with sup ikan merah

 Bubur Ikan merah Abbie


1/2 ikan merah
2 ulas bawang putih (tumbuk)
1" halia (tumbuk)
1 bijii bawang besar (tumbuk)
1 biji tomato (potong 6)
1/2 batang carrot (hiris bulat)
1 biji kentang (hiris panjang)
daun bawang
daun sup
olive oil
sup bunjut utk ikan
**sedikit garam & chili padi (after baby matan, PAMA pulak leh matan)

 Ikan merah ....beli sekor kat tesco RM26, ada 3 ketul lagi simpan untuk next time

Tumis bahan tumbuk dgn olive oil hingga naik bau

 Then masukkan air, kendian masukkan kentang, carrot & sup bunjut
masak sampai didih

 Dah mendidih masukkan ikan tadi & tomato juga :)

 Bila dah hampir masak, masukkan daun sup & daun bawang
tutup api

Ha...siap dihidangkan.....kepala ikan merah kegemaran mommy...
Jom matan ;)

Breakfast: Pancake with mapple syrup

 Salam Sabtu hujung minggu yang begitu dinantikan hehe
Memang teruja sebab ada banyak masa can spent with my darling son & cook for him too
Menu breakfast kita hari ini ialah
Pancake with Mapple syrup
Actually mommy nak buat all ingredient buat sendiri, tapi since nak buat pun sikit aje
so beli tepung pancake nona terus kautim
Just add water/milk & egg
 Macam menu kami, mommy add water, 2scoop of Gain Plus milk powder & 1 egg
Dapat 6kpg pancake

 Adunan yang dah di pukul

Letak butter or olive oil atas kuali
ha bak sini mommy nk habaq, terbaik beli lah kuali yang kecil tu
saiz telur mate kerbo supaya pancake anda tantek & sama saiz
macam mommy ni, percubaan pertama...belasah je kuali apa yg ada hahaha
but kompom pas nie nk g beli kuali khas utk pancake
pls take note daddy ;P

 Nie le rupe pancake atas kuali besau ;P

Dah siap, matan dgn mapple syrup or butter or jem
or utk Abbie matan macam tu je...pun cedap

Friday, July 22, 2011

Beberapa Tips Untuk Hamil:

Sekadar untuk di kongsi bersama & saling mengingati..huhu
Actually now mommy planning for 2nd child...
Tapi masih  gigih berusaha
Semoga Allah memurahkan rezeki kami

Waktu terbaik untuk konsepsi
Perlu di ketahui bahawa telur yang matang hanya hidup 24 jam sedangkan sperma hidup 48-72 jam dalam tubuh wanita.  Oleh karenanya, melakukan hubungan seks sebelum saat ovulasi lebih baik untuk meningkatkan kehamilan daripada sehari atau dua hari sesudahnya.
Penting untuk mengetahui waktu subur kita. Normal kitaran haid wanita ialah 28 hari, so waktu ovulasi adalah di tengah-tengah iaitu hari ke 14 selepas haid, maka waktu subur adalah pada hari ke-12 hingga hari ke 16 selepas haid.

Kekerapan hubungan seksual
Kekerapan melakukan hubungan seksual tergantung dari setiap pasangan.  Yang penting anda melakukan pada waktu subur.
Nikmati proses hubungan seksual anda.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketika seorang wantia mencapai orgasme, akan membentuk suasana alkaline pada vagina yang sangat disukai oleh sperma . Jika anda mencapai orgasme pada saat pasangan anda ejakulasi maka kesempatan sperma untuk selamat sampai di servik lebih meningkat.
Posisi hubungan seksual.
Posisi seks yang dianjurkan untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya kehamilan adalah suami di atas badan isteri.  (man on top). 

Jangan Banyak Bergerak Setelah Seks
Disarankan untuk memberi waktu sejenak untuk sperma berenang ke servik dan menganjal pinggul dengan sebuah bantal selama seks.
Yang terpenting juga sewaktu anda membersihkan, hindari mengunakan cairan pembersih vagina sesaat setelah hubungan seksual, karena cairan pembersih vagina dapat bersifat toxic untuk sperma.

Buat para suami
Para suami sebaiknya menghindari memakai seluar dalam yang terlalu ketat atau mandi air hangat, hal ini akan menurunkan kemungkinan kehamilan karena proses penekanan atau panas didaerah testis (pembentuk sperma).

Cubalah untuk tetap rileks dalam menghadapi hal ini bersama pasangan karena  Stress hanya akan mempersulit terjadinya konsepsi. 

Jaga kesehatan anda.
Menjaga kesehatan adalah hal dasar yang penting.  Pastikan tubuh anda cukup nutrisi.  Ingat bahwa wanita yang sihat akan lebih mudah hamil daripada yang mempunyai berat badan yang berlebihan atau kurang.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dragon Fruits

Ni la anak Dracula yang tomeiiii hehehe

Abbie matan Dragon Fruits malam tadi
dia memang sukakan buah naga tak kira kaler merah atau putih
tapi merah nampak lebih mengujakan sebab dia sweeetttttt
macam Abbie
Disebabkan mommy tertinggal enpown kat ghumah hari nie, so more picca will be load tmw lorrr...

psssttt: kalau bagi anak matan buah naga kaler merah, jangan lupa bagitau baby sitter korank tau...
kalau tak terkujat beruk dia nanti sebab tgk baby poo poo "darah" pulak

Ini lah buah naga merah yang sweeeetttt iteww ;P


Siap pejam-pejam mata dengan penuh perasaan

 Kunyah-kunyah-kunyah ;D

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tips untuk turunkan kadar kolestrol dalam darah

Why I choose this topic for my Monday entry??
Huhu sebab semalam hubby buy GE medical card for my son Abbie & put my name as penjaga
At the same time I need to provide my medical report.
So I've done my blood test at PathLab last month
and guess my result???
huhu overall I m healthy but then I have high uric acid in my urine & high in cholestrol level (5.5) huhu
So sekali lagi ako berazam untuk menurunkan kadar kolestrol yang terkandung di dalam darah ako ini
Jom kongsi apa yang ako google :P

  1. EXERCISE -  sebagai permulaan untuk orang yang busy macam ako ni, I should walking 10minuts per day. (cukup la tu kott kalau ako berjalan dari opis ke cafe) haha... Pastu pelahan-lahan try to walk 60 minit per day (petang-petang lepas balik kerja la nie...konon-kononnya) Pendek kata, kurangkan berat badan dengan cara bersenam mampu mengurangkan kolestrol dalam badan
  2. EAT HEALTHY -  Makan banyak buah-buahan & sayur-sayuran. Makan oat. bukan untuk baby aje..mommy pun harus makan oat sebab oat boleh menurunkan LDL iaitu kolestrol jahat, membersihkan arteri & mengurangkan berat badan! wow!! Mommy mesti makan oat semula. Kena tapau & standby kat opis nie....Makan makanan yang kurang kolestrol & simple especially sayuran, buah-buahan & whole grain.
  3. CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE - Have positive attitude, Fill your life with good, healthy relationships. Berhenti merokok bagi mereka yang merokok. 
  4. RAISE GOOD HDL CHOLESTEROL - Good diet, exercise and positive mental attitude can help, but the best way to raise your good cholesterol is to eat fish, olive oil, almonds and avocados weekly and in small portions.

Jom Focus tips Eating healthy :

The combination of exercising, eating healthy and changing your lifestyle will not only lower bad LDL cholesterol, but it will also help you to lose weight, have more energy and be healthier.If you need additional help to lower your bad cholesterol please look in the Resources section below. Knowing how to lower your bad LDL cholesterol can save your life today
  1. Avoid eating high saturated fat foods. Avoid eat butter, cheese, lard, margarine, shortening, and tropical oils. Replace it  olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, and corn oil. Flaxseed oil is also beneficial in lowering high cholesterol. If you really want to lower bad cholesterol it is also important to eliminate fried foods, fast foods, nuts, and sweets with refined sugars from your diet.
  2. Cut out foods that are high in cholesterol. High cholesterol foods are only found in animal products, which makes it easy to remember. These include meats, whole-milk products, and eggs.
  3. Include high fiber foods, which are also low in fat, into your daily diet. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are all high in fiber and will help you in eliminating bad cholesterol levels.

Cooking tips:
     1- Reduce saturated fat in meat
  • recipe calls for browning the meat first, try browning it under the broiler instead of in a pan.
  • Eat chicken and turkey rather than duck and goose, which are higher in fat.
  • Remove the skin from chicken or turkey, preferably before cooking. If your poultry dries out too much, leave the skin on for cooking but remove before eating.
  • Limit processed meats such as sausage, bologna, salami and hot dogs. Many processed meats — even those with "reduced fat" labels — are high in calories and saturated fat. They are often high in sodium as well. Read labels carefully and choose such meats only now and then.
  • Organ meats such as liver, sweetbreads, kidney and brain are very high in cholesterol. If you're on a cholesterol-lowering diet, eat them only occasionally.

   2- Choose seafood at least twice a week:
        Fish can be fatty or lean, but it's still low in saturated fat. Prepare fish baked, broiled, grilled or boiled  
        rather than breaded and fried. Shrimp and crawfish have more cholesterol than most other types of 
       seafood, but they're lower in total fat and saturated fat than most meats and poultry.

     3- Reduce Meat in meal:
         Try meatless meals featuring vegetables or beans — think eggplant lasagna, a big grilled portobello
         mushroom on a bun in place of a burger, or beans-n-weenies without the weenies. Or think of meat as
        a condiment in casseroles, stews, soups and spaghetti — use it sparingly, just for flavor, rather than as a
        main ingredient.

      4- Cook fresh vegetables low-fat & low-salt way:
         Try cooking vegetables in a tiny bit of vegetable oil, adding a little water during cooking if needed, or
         use a vegetable oil spray. Just 1 to 2 teaspoons of oil is enough for a package of frozen vegetables that
        serves four. Place in a skillet with tight cover, season, and cook over a very low heat until vegetables
        are done.

    5- Substitute white egg with whole egg :
        The cholesterol in eggs is all in the yolks --- without the yolk, egg whites are a heart-healthy source of
        protein.  Replace each whole egg with two egg whites.

     6- Puree fruits & vegetables for baking:
         You can replace the oil in muffin, cookie, cake and snack bar recipes with pureed fruits or veggies to
        give your treats an extra healthy boost. For many recipes, you just use the specified amount of puree
         instead of oil. Check the mix's package or your cookbook's substitutions page for other conversions.

    7- Lower dairy fat:
       You can also use low-fat cottage cheese, part-skim milk mozzarella or ricotta and other low-fat cheeses
       with little or no change in consistency.

   8- Increase fiber & whole grain:
  • Toast and crush or cube whole-grain bread to make breadcrumbs, stuffing or croutons.
  • Replace the breadcrumbs in your meatloaf with uncooked oatmeal.
  • Serve whole fruit at breakfast in place of juice.
  • Use brown rice instead of white rice and try whole grain pasta.
  • Add lots of colorful veggies to your salad — carrots, broccoli and cauliflower are high in fiber and give your salad a delicious crunch.
   9- Reduce sodium:
Most of us eat much more sodium than we need. In some people, this can lead to high blood pressure, which increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and kidney disease. Salt is just once source of the sodium you consume every day. Many foods contain sodium in other forms, too. Some medicines are high in sodium.
About 75 percent of sodium in the typical American diet comes from processed foods and beverages. Be aware of all your sources of sodium and aim to eat less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day.
  • Use less salt or no salt at the table and in cooking.
  • Use herbs and spices in place of salt.
  • Limit your intake of foods high in added sodium, such as:
    • Canned and dried soups
    • Canned vegetables
    • Ketchup and mustard
    • Salty snack foods
    • Olives and pickles
    • Luncheon meats and cold cuts
    • Bacon and other cured meats
    • Cheeses
    • Restaurant and carry-out foods (such as French fries, onion rings and hamburgers)
  • To reduce the salt in canned vegetables, drain the liquid, then rinse the vegetables in water before eating.
  • Look for "unsalted" varieties of the canned foods and snack foods listed above. Some foods may be labeled "no salt" or "without added salt."
  • Ask restaurants not to add salt to your order.
  • Read the labels of all foods carefully. Even bakery products and cereals can be major sources of sodium.
So start from today, I've promise to start my day with a cup of oat drink (oat+holicks) & fruits, replace white rice with brown rice (yes we oredi did!) &replace cooking oil with olive oil/canola oil & serve steam instead of dip fried.
InsyaAllah...pray within 3month my cholestrol will be back to normal.
Ameen ;)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Persimmon Fruits

 Hahaha 1st time bagi Abbie makan buah Persimmon yang fresh di beli di bazzar buah tadi
Mat Salleh panggil buah Pisang Kaki
Jangan tanya saya kenapa panggil pisang kaki ya, sebab saya kenal is persimmon ;)
Sebijik RM2.50 amikkkau!
Kenapa nak bagi Abbie buah nie?
1- Sebab khasiatnya :
* Menjaga kesihatan penglihatan,
*melegakan sembelit, cirit-birit, hemoroid (buasir)
* antioksidan.
2- Sebab mommy love this fruit too hahhaha
Daddy feed Abbie using spoon.
Senang je nak makan buah nie, cuci bersih2 , potong 2, gigit (utk dewasa la)
kalau utk todler mcm abbie nie, scoop out flesh dia guna spoon spt cara di atas
or peel off the skin & let them bite
baru power...hahaha

Brown Rice Porridge with Dates,Potato,Tomato, Brocolli & Chicken

 Ini lah menu lunch & dinner my cayang Abbie
mudah & simple
just campakkan all ingredient dalam slow cooker, cukup time
its ready to eat....
today lunch outing at Ayam Penyet Metro Point
Jom layannn...

 Menanti mommy menyuapkan dengan penuh sabar...(good son)

Aaaauuummmm..nyum nyummm cedapnyerrr......

1tbsp brown rice
1 biji dates (kurma madu yussof tayyoub) dibuang biji & kulit
1 ice cube frozen brocolli
1/4 kentang (dice)
1/2 tomatoes (dice)
Chicken meat (dice)

Throw all ingredient in slow cooker
after about 3hours it ready to eat

Abbie 1st Birthday Celebration Part2

 Happy 1st Birthday my dear cayang...
Tak cukup dgn cake Spongebob, baju Abbie pun Spongebob jugak hheeehehheee

 Sambutan birthday di adakan sekali dgn kenduri kesyukuran...
siap berkhemah ramai jugak anak cucu yang datang

 Happy family...thanks kids kerana sudi memeriahkan potong cake Abbie nie ;)

 Jom tiup lilin!!

Daddy jadi chef yang melayan kehendak kanak-kanak nie
macam-macam....ada yang nak idung Spongebob, tie , mata spongebob hahaha

 my SIL & twin girl dari Melaka turut balik ke rumah nenek
thanks sis for the birthday gift.

 Ha....dah matan tenyang-tenyang jom rebut balloon...
hehehe (acara sampingan)

 Cakkk!!! Ini lah birthday boy yang naked,,,,

 Sweet Smile is always with him....
God Bless

 Ha ni kek bonus hadiah dari baby sitter....Blueberry Fruits Cheese Cake....yummy!!!
tahun nie abbie dt 3 cake!!
huhu mommy dh 29tahun pun tak penah dapat 3 cake...
tahun nie mommy nk order cup cakes la....leh dapat sedozen cake!!

 Cake ini kami cut di Kajang our home sweet home
sehari sebelum daddy berangkan ke Philipines

Turut memeriahkan majlis yang simple ni is my SIL & BIL
esp koko Justin & che che Joline
Thanks guys!!

Breakfast: Cheesy Scrambled Eggs

Good Morning & happy Sunday to everybody hahahha
I love weekend sebab ada banyak masa to spent with my darling son &
I can cook for him!! breakfast is
Cheesy Scrambled Eggs
2 eggs
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 tomatos (dice)
1/4 timun jepun (dice)
dash of pepper

Whisk all ingredients in a bowl until frothy then pour in a warmed frying pan.
Stir as the egg mix is cooking.
 Eggs are done when firm and not runny.

 kacau...jangan tak kacau...

 kalau nk letak slice of chicken sosej pun sedap....

 ready to eat!!

tengok tu berkepau lantai bila bagi si tecik ni matan sendiri
bukan masuk molot, abis di buang ke lantai huhu
sejam lagi menunggu nak habis separuh...
tak pe permulaan for big move

cayyokk mommy!!