Jawapannya gunalah Gengigel Spray!!
hehe dah macam promoter pulak dah
Abbie ada tonsil di tekak macam daddy (keturunan tonsil ni)
So bila Abbie demam , mesti tonsil ni bengkak, so bila tonsil ni bengkak memang Abbie refuse to drink milk & eat
Kalau dulu mommy tak tahu nk buat macam mana, even tak sedar pun yang tonsil or ada ulser di throat dia
tapi mase Abbie admit KPJ hospital selama seminggu akibat viral infection
Doctor Meena bagi ubat ini
Spray di kiri,kanan & tengah mulut lepas tu biar dalam 2~3 minit & bg minum susu
Memang jalan...abbie terus minum susu...
Sesuai sangat untuk di standby di rumah for :
1- treatment of inflammations and gum bleeding,
2- in order to speed up regeneration of tissues in post-operative conditions,
3- after implant insertions, after tooth extractions etc.
4- speeds up healing of defects and stops bleeding.
5- Hyaluronic acid favourably influences the production of blood vessels, prevents bacterial colonization, promotes production of inflammatory cytokinins, and influences migration of cells in the immune system.
Sambil google2 infor, mommy jumpa ini....
tapi takperlu sangat nak guna kalau baby tak teruk
terbaik kurangkan penggunaan ubat-ubatan kepada baby
biar Paed yang suggest ;)
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